

Design style

Design style



Print quality

Print quality

White ink

White ink



Coloured stock

Coloured stock

Combined stocks

Combined stocks

Case bindings

Case bindings

Other bindings

Other bindings

Stitched bindings

Stitched bindings

Lay-flat binding

Lay-flat binding

Binding extras

Binding extras



Special editions

Special editions

Stitched bindings

Books can be stitched with either wire staples or sewn thread; along the spine or through the cover.

The maximum page size for a book stitched through the spine is 215 x 300 mm, and through the front 430 x 300 mm.

Side sewn

In this case thread is stitched from the front cover though the whole thickness of the book.

Side sewn
Saddle sewn

Books are stitched through the spine with coloured thread. Pictured here is a method known as ‘three hole sewn’.

Saddle sewn
Japanese binding

A more complicated form of sewing that creates a repeating pattern with the thread, and often leaves the spine open.

Japanese binding
Saddle stitched

This is the industry term for wire stapling. Wire is available in a range of metallic and matt colours.

Saddle stitched